Mycoplasma Hominis/Ureaplasma

Additional Info:

*PREFERRED SPECIMEN(S): Urogenital (vaginal, cervical, urethral swabs or secretions), sterile body fluids, tissue, and wounds.
*ALTERNATE SPECIMEN(S): Urine: Client should centrifuge urine at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. Suspend sediment in VIRAL CULTURE MEDIA (Green Top) media.
If the specimen is not centrifuged, submit a 1:1 volume of urine in VIRAL CULTURE MEDIA.
Room temperature: Unacceptable
Refrigerated: 48 hours
Frozen -20 degrees C: Unacceptable
Frozen -70 degrees C: 30 days

*Rejection Criteria: Specimens collected on wooden shafted swabs, or cotton swabs; specimen received in expired transport medium; tissue specimen in formalin; urine containing any
preservatives; specimen received in M4RT transport medium; received room temperature.

Methodology: culture

Analytical Time: 11 days

Days Set Up: Monday through Sunday

CPT Information:
87109 –

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