Our Local Pharmacies
Mill Run Community Pharmacy
Meadville Medical Center purchased Mill Run Pharmacy in 2021 to better serve the public in accordance with Section 340B of the Public Health Service Act and Medicaid. The pharmacy is open 6 days a week, Monday–Saturday, with drive-thru service available, and offers an expanded selection of prescription drugs and a variety of services, including consultations and vaccinations. Mill Run Pharmacy’s mission is to promptly fill the needs of patients at the absolute lowest price while maintaining the highest and most professional level of service.
Cochranton Community Pharmacy
Effective Monday, January 6, 2025, the Cochranton Community Pharmacy joins Meadville Medical Center! The pharmacy is conveniently located in the Cochranton Community Services Complex where two of our family medicine practices also reside.
Refill Your Prescriptions with Rx Local
Patients of Mill Run and Cochranton Community Pharmacies can conveniently refill prescriptions via RxLocal. Sign up on (or into) the website or download the app on iTunes or Google Play to create an account!
Creating a Medication List
Billie-Jo Hyde, PharmD, RPh, BCPS, a clinical pharmacist at Meadville Medical Center, provides a wealth of information in this interview regarding medication lists and medication safety, along with plenty of scenarios and examples to motivate patients into maintaining an accurate and up-to-date medication list.
Helpful Links to Create a Medication List
If you are unsure how to best format a medication list in a way that will work for your needs, take a look at some of these examples:
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality provides detailed instructions as well as a Microsoft Word and PDF template for making a “My Medicines” list.
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) , has a “My Medicine Record” document that is very straightforward, and can be filled in on your computer or device or printed out and filled in.
- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an all-in-one pdf document that also helps to track medical conditions and medication allergies.
- Vial of Life, which Billie-Jo mentions in her interview, provides a medication information form template, and for a small fee, will ship emergency decals to place on your refrigerator and front door. This type of service might be helpful for older individuals or high-risk individuals who live alone and may need a way to inform emergency responders or family about their medication and health condition(s) if they are unable to communicate for themselves.
Pharmacy Locations