Multiple Sclerosis, Profile 2

Additional Info:

Myelin Basic Protein, Oligoclonal Bands (IgG), CSF, and IgG Synthesis Rate/Index, CSF

Useful For:
Myelin Basic Protein
The concentration of MBP is often increased in patients with demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis and may be increased in patients with head injury, CNS trauma, tumor, stroke, and viral encephalitis.

Oligoclonal Bands, CSF
This test is used to assist in the diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis. Presence of oligoclonal bands in CSF is an indication that the patient has had at least one attack of demyelination in the past.

IGG Synthesis Rate
The IgG Synthesis Rate/Index is useful in diagnosing and monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases involving the brain and meninges.

Methodology: Multiple methodologies

Specimen Requirements:
1 yellow-top SST tube (minimum: 2.0 mL of serum) AND 4.0 mL of spinal fluid (minimum: 3.0 mL of spinal fluid) collected in a screw-capped, sterile container supplied by Meadville Medical Center Laboratory. Centrifuge SST 30 minutes after draw. Refrigerate serum and spinal fluid after collection.

It is preferred that the collection date and time be the same for both CSF and serum; however, it is acceptable for them to be drawn within 48 hours of each other. Client must be contacted when no serum is supplied to confirm the order. It is acceptable to send through CSF without serum when client has indicated to “run with serum control.”
CSF must be crystalline and clear. (CSF collection tube #4 preferred).
Blood contamination and hemolysis may interfere with results. Submitting 4th lumbar puncture collection tube minimizes blood contamination.

Analytical Time: 5 days

Days Set Up: Monday-Friday

CPT Information:
82040 – albumin, serum
82784 – x 2 IgG CSF & serum
83873 – myelin basic protein
82042 – albumin, CSF
83916 – oligoclonal bands

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