Giardia Antigen, EIA Stool

Additional Info:
Positive results are reported to PA Department of Health

Methodology: Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)

Specimen Requirements: Collection of a Stool specimen:

The collection kit contains three vials and instructions. Collect the stool specimen in a wide mouth container, bedpan, plastic “hat”, or plastic bag placed over the toilet.

  • Do not pass the specimen into the toilet or directly into collection vials.
  • Do not mix urine or water with the sample.

Open the vial carefully. Using the collection spoon attached to the cap, transfer enough stool into the container until the liquid in the container comes up to the black arrow on the label. Fill only one vial at a time and replace the cap onto the same vial when done. Mix well by shaking vigorously after capping. If you are filling the empty vial, fill to one half full with stool specimen. Wash hands thoroughly.

Label specimen with your name and date and time of collection. We cannot accept unlabeled specimens. Make sure vials are closed tightly. Place the vials in the original package. Keep refrigerated and bring back to the laboratory as soon as possible within 24 hours of collection.

*If your physician has ordered a series, for example you are to collect 3 different specimens; you need to collect specimens from 3 separate bowel movements or days.

For a stool culture use the ORANGE container.
For a Crypto/Giardia or an O&P (travel history required) use the BLACK container.
For a C diff, VRE, Rotavirus or a Fecal Lactoferrin use the BLUE CAPPED (plain) container.

If not all vials are needed/test s not requested return the vials to the laboratory.
If unable to obtain an adequate volume of stool for all containers, place in the white cap vial, refrigerate and bring to the laboratory as soon as possible <24hrs.

Analytical Time: 2 days

Days Set Up: Monday Wednesday Friday

CPT Information:
87329 – Infectious antigen detection (giardia)

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