Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes, Liver, Bone, Bowel

Additional Info: Alkaline Phosphatase, Intestinal Isoenzymes, Bone Isoenzymes, Liver Isoenzymes, Placental Isoenzymes, Macrohepatic Isoenzymes

Useful For: When the Total Alkaline Phosphatase activity is increased, the Isoenzymes are useful in determining the source of the increased activity.

Methodology: Electrophoresis

Specimen Requirements:
RED TOP PREFERRED – SEND TO PROCESSING ASAP (minimum: 1.0 mL of serum) drawn following an overnight (8-10 hour) fast. Centrifuge 30 minutes after draw. Refrigerate specimen after collection.

Avoid hemolysis and lipemia.

Analytical Time:
3 days

Days Set Up: Sunday through Friday

CPT Information:
84080 – alkaline phosphatase, total
84075 – after heat activation %

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